Kick Our Butts, Win Free Swag
May 20, 2009 // Snow
So here’s the deal: Bionic Commando is out, and my cube is loaded with all sorts of Bionic Commando swag. What should we do about that…? How about an easy little contest. All this week at night we’ll be playing from home on Xbox Live and PSN multiplayer in all the different game types. To keep it simple, if you kill me, send me a message here on Unity with your gamertag or PSN, with a subject line of “pwned u d00d.”
I’ll select a couple of the messages to get the huge box of Bionic Commando awesomeness (pictured on the left). It’s a rather big box though, so I’ll throw in some other things too, like the lunch box, patches , the USB drive, and some other things BC relate I have here. So it’s going to look sorta like this , but better.
You can find me under gamertag “Snow Infernus” on XBL, and Seth will be on his PS3 under “clothhand.”
See you online!