Ken Masters’ Real-Life Stetson Cowboy Hat!
Jun 25, 2010 // s-kill
In honor of Ken Masters new “cowboy” alternate costume in Super Street Fighter IV, the cowboy-loving crew at Stetson has created his real life cowboy hat!
The hat was custom-built by Stetson from the in-game models, and comes with a not only a hand-made leather hat band, but also an inscription: “Made by Stetson especially for Ken Masters.” Stetson’s motto is actually “Made of America” which I have to say is a pretty perfect fit for blonde, California-dreaming, convertible driving, blonde-wife loving Ken Masters (even if he is actually 1/4 Japanese).
How can the Street Fighter-loving rodeo riders of the world get one? With only three in existence, it’s going to be tough. I’ve staked my claim, one his headed for Ono-san ‘s head, and the other? Stetson is offering it as a prize to the top-finishing Super SFIV Ken player at EVO 2010 ! You must play Ken for the entire tournament, and you must choose his alternate “Cowboy Ken” outfit.
May the best Ken win, and “hats off” to Stetson for being amazingly rad!