JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD Ver. patch is live
Oct 26, 2012 // Yuri Araujo
You may or may not know this, but I quite enjoy JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in all its unique and clever bizarreness. And I know a lot of you enjoy it too.
What I don’t enjoy, however, are game bugs. And that’s why we try our best to catch them, and PATCH them – which is what we did with JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD Ver. The patch is live as we speak (or read). Here’s the scoop on what we fixed:
1) After selecting “retry” in Player Match, there were some characters that had different replay data.
2) When Alessy uses the move Shrink Wrap against Mahrahia, the game would crash.
3) There were errors in the staff roll
Remember, these sentences are all in the past tense for a reason: the patch fixed it all. And it’s already live on PSN and XBLA.