It’s Okamiden Preview Time

Aug 12, 2010 // Snow

I get the chance to work on a lot of amazing games here at Capcom, but the one game that has me the most excited is Okamiden. If you haven’t had the chance to try the original Okami, you should give it a shot . It’s a game anybody can love and play . In the original, you play as the goddess Amaterasu. In Okamiden, you take the role of her son, Chibiterasu. He’s a much like his mother, but there’s a whole new story here.

In a recent preview, the producer, Eshiro-san talks about the game and gives a bit of a behind the scenes description on the challenges of making Okamiden, and what to expect in this trip to the Okami world.

Since Okamiden is on the DS, it gave the team a whole new way to incorporate one of the main mechanics of the game, the Celestial Brush. With the touch screen, you can now physically draw in the world with the stylus. Better still, there’s loads of new techniques, one being a “guidance” skill that guides your partner in-game. 

Read the full preview right here. 

via GoNintendo , source Edge