Ironbeard’s Dangerous Guide to Monster Hunting: Royal Ludroth
Mar 23, 2010 // Snow
Royal Ludroth: Royal Ludroth use their sponge like neck scales to absorb water and prevent drying out on land. Once the sponge loses moisture, they attempt to re-enter the water. They also spew mucus to trip up their prey.
Ludroth: Aquatic female monsters. Ludroth form “harems” around large males, hence gathering in territories designated as breeding grounds. They’re known to be extremely aggressive towards outsiders; caution is advised.
Here’s some tips from the pros.
Ironbeard:“When yer facin’ down this beastie, ya’ll probably be attacked by some normal Ludroths as well. Ignore their water-spittin’ attacks, as they’ll do wee minimal damage. Instead, focus on the exploded banana that the Royal Ludroth calls a mane. Tis a weak point.“
Bastion:“Keep an eye on its “mane” Its actually a giant sponge! After it does enough water attacks without going back into the water, the sponge will begin to droop and sag, meaning it will need to take a pit stop soon. Take full advantage of this and do everything you can to prevent this for an easy victory!”
MoisesL: “Royal Ludroth is one of those monsters that you want to finish fast before it has a chance to jump in the water. Luckily this guy isn’t just weak to Thunder but Fire as well. I personally enjoy removing that long tadpole-like tail of his, I’m sure he doesn’t like it… but I sure do. I would also suggest using a Sword & Shield on the thing as it’s quick movements are more than perfect for handling this sea beast. Oh, and did I mention that you can break his sponge-like mane? Because you totally can! Just be careful not to let the thing roll on you.. he’s pretty heavy.”
Read up on the previous entries: Gigginox , Jaggi, Lagiacrus , Diablos , Rathian , Delex & Rhenoplos , Rathalos , Qurupeco , Gobul