Ironbeard’s Dangerous Guide to Monster Hunting: Deviljho
Apr 21, 2010 // Snow
Our latest monster for Monster Hunter Tri is mysterious. In fact, I don’t even have any footage of this monster caught in the wild. I only have the simple image above. So what do you need to hunt this creature? Rather than spoil the hunt, you’ll just have to wait until you encounter him in the wild to find out what he’s like. But I do have a small bit of info on this beastie.
Deviljho: The dreaded, nomadic Deviljho have no specific territory of their own. Their muscles swell if provoked, revealing old wounds. Needing to constantly feed due to their body heat, they can hunt nearby animals to extinction.
If you do see him, make sure to use that Wii Remote of yours and grab as much info as you can to your hunters’ notes. You can also talk to other hunters who might have rumors to spread about this monster in the forums to try and find out more.
Read up on the previous entries: Gigginox , Jaggi , Lagiacrus , Diablos , Rathian , Delex & Rhenoplos , Rathalos , Qurupeco , Gobul , Royal Ludroth , Barroth , Great Baggi , Jhen Mohran , Agnaktor & Uroktor , Uragaan , Barioth , Ceadeus