Ironbeard’s Dangerous Guide to Monster Hunting: Ceadeus
Apr 16, 2010 // Snow
Ceadeus: Legendary elder dragons known as both “shining giants of the depths” and “great sea dragons.” Not confirmed to exist until recently.
I would have tips from other hunters to share, but Ironbeard is the only one proven worthy enough to have fought one of these beasts. And his tip is just as mysterious as the Ceadeus himself.
Ironbeard: “Ya best learn how t’ hold yer breath, as this sea-born dragon ain’t able t’ come ont’ the land. But that don’t mean he’s helpless! He can knock ya around with flips of his tail, as well as suck in (and spit out) a massive amount of the water, which can mess ya up somethin’ awful! Use the surroundin’ caves fer protection, and ya might survive!”
Read up on the previous entries: Gigginox , Jaggi , Lagiacrus , Diablos , Rathian , Delex & Rhenoplos , Rathalos , Qurupeco , Gobul , Royal Ludroth , Barroth , Great Baggi , Jhen Mohran , Agnaktor & Uroktor , Uragaan , Barioth