Introducing the Mega Man Legends 3 Heroine Contest!
Oct 10, 2010 // MikeeB
The Developer Room for the Mega Man Legends 3 Project has been created, which will be your resource to help provide input on the first game to be co-developed by the fans! The fully featured site will be coming soon, once the Developer Room Community Liaison* is hired. But for now we have the first piece of content that will be determined by the fans, and this is huge. We are excited to announce, The Mega Man Legends 3 Heroine Contest!
Come check the details on the Community Liaison blog post here!
With over 10 years of fan requests, Capcom is pulling out all the stops to ensure that Legends 3 will be beyond awesome. Designers famous to the franchise have submitted concepts for the design of the next heroine character to be featured in the game. Any Mega Man game would be lucky to have even one of these big names contributing to the project, but Legends 3 gets an unprecedented NINE, including the father of Mega Man, Keiji Infaune himself.
Please visit www.capcom-unity.com/devroom to view all the different designs, and vote for your favorite. You can also discuss the pros and cons of each option in the forum* before making your final selection.
Discuss this in the Dev-Room forums here!
Stay tuned; there will be much more activity taking place on the Developer Room. Join now so you don’t miss any updates!