Interview with Poison Cosplayer Kelly Jean
Jul 04, 2013 // Neil Gortz
A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to be joined in the UK office by Kelly Jean, seasoned cosplayer and gaming fan I had asked her to stop by and show off the outfit I had first met her in nearly a year before that.
Read more on this story and an interview with Kelly after the jump
I make no bones that (next to Bionic Commando) Final Fight is my favourite Capcom title so I was pleased to see a Poison walking in the crowds of London MCM Expo, turns out we had a mutual friend and several months later Kelly would be one of the cosplayers I invited in for (Jill) Valentine’s Day here at the office.
(Pics of that here)
I felt the time was right to invite Kelly Back for more Cosplay fun and an interview so over the course of an afternoon we chatted about Poison whilst her photographer cooked up something special (link to Kelly’s own page here)
When did you first encounter Poison and what were your thoughts?
Though I knew of Poison before, the first time I really got to play a little as Poison was Final Fight Revenge on the Sega Saturn. But it wasn’t until Street Fighter X Tekken that I really got to know anything about the character. I was really happy to find her (regardless of gender squabbles, someone who identifies as a woman = a her to me) personality fleshed out.
Are you actually any good at the games Poison is a character in?
I am not especially good at any games honestly! I play games predominantly for story which is a hilarious concept when it comes to fighting games, but I’m actually very fond of the (often a little bizarre) stories that tend to accompany them.
What does Poison as a character mean to you now?
I am very fond of strong characters (those who don’t take s*** from anyone, maybe a little on the arrogant) so her Diva-ness appealed to me and I tend to connect with characters like that the best. I think she’s great.
What are people’s reactions to your Poison cosplay?
Pretty positive I think! I have had “That girl is Poison” sung at me a few times..
Are you planning any other Capcom cosplays?
I am thinking about it. 🙂 There is a Capcom community cosplay picnic in the summer; I am always up for suggestions
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