Interesting Ultra Street Fighter 4 Balance Requests – Part 2
Aug 02, 2013 // ComboFiend
While reading through the some of the requests here, I can tell you that there was no shortage of comments that made me laugh, cry and even rage. It seems that there were definitely similarities in Japan as pointed out in this week’s blog by Ayano. Continue reading for more fun!
Hello everyone, Tomoaki Ayano here!
Here in Tokyo raindrops keep falling on our heads. Just last week there was a fireworks show that had to be canceled due to the weather. I’d marked my calendar for it and everything, so having it be canceled took the wind out of my sails. I imagine the fireworks technicians were the most disappointed though.
Anyway, after a small break I’d like to go back and continue highlighting some of the more…unusual requests we got during the balance update questionnaire.
Y’know…characters who can throw fireballs are sneaky little devils. I hate them. So, y’know…I need a regular air throw, or fighting them is impossible. Also, y’know…footsies against Sagat and Bison are impossible. My poor little Zangief is just too weak. So, y’know…make him stronger. Pretty please?
Ayano: Fighting against fireball characters or characters with great space-controlling abilities can be a real challenge. But playing Zangief is all about finding ways to thread the needle – getting inside and landing that throw! Gief is definitely a character where individual matchup differences can be pretty pronounced, so if you end up fighting a lot of bad matches in a row I understand how that can make one feel pretty frustrated. I’d complain too!
Give Guile a mid-air Sonic Boom.
Give Guile a Sonic Boom he can throw while knocked down.
Ayano: I got two words for you: absolutely not. I hope the Zangief player above has his way with you.
Dee Jay
Give us a DJ alternate costume with him rocking an afro! Or sunglasses! Hey, both would be really funky!
Ayano: Either would look pretty spiffy on Dee Jay! This is completely unrelated but…I wonder what people with afros do when they go to sleep. Do they even need a pillow?
Isn’t it just a bit weird that a female…erm…school student can go toe to toe with martial arts masters, professional fighters, and even soldiers (sometimes even better than them)? If possible could you change her background story to something that better explains how she’s able to fight so well? (If you think about it Makoto and Ibuki have the same problem…but they make a little bit more sense than Sakura.)
Ayano: It’s often said that you become proficient at that which you love. And Sakura loves street fighting from the bottom of her heart. Add to that some great reflexes, as well as the ability to copy the Hadoken just by watching it, and it’s safe to say that Sakura is a fighting prodigy. A genius, even. That’s why she’s able to fight everyone so well!
I might be asking for the moon here, but please change Ken’s super from Shoryureppa to Shippu Jinraikyaku. That move is just too cool!
Ayano: That move certainly is too cool! But Shoryureppa is also very cool, isn’t it? Personally I love Shoryureppa, but since Ken was one of my main characters in Super SFII Turbo maybe I’m a little bit biased. Both moves are plenty flashy and embody Ken’s fighting flair!
Well, that’s it for this week. See you again next week!