Impressive and stylish Monster Hunter fan art by ILOG
May 25, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Another set of impressive fan art has come to my attention, this time from the realms of Pixiv, and are all creations of user ILOG . We’ve got the amazing Narcaguca above, and some other amazing renditions of the Nibelsnarf and the Tigrex below!
Now this uncommonly large Nibelsnarf is probably inspired by one of the Japanese event quests, in MHP3rd … still, the artist did an awesome job in capturing a moment of desperation like this!
Good old Tigrex… been terrorizing our lives since Monster Hunter Freedom 2 … we miss you, bud.
And if you missed out on PE-Traver’s fan art I posted last week, here’s the link: www.capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2013/…