These pictures and videos come from cameras both great and small (re: our phone cams, as well as a few real cameras), so the quality varies, but we’re including it all to do our best at sharing what it was like. If you missed us this year, make sure to make the Capcom booth your base of operations in 2008.
Click on the picture above to see the whole Flickr collection.
A circular pan of the Boxing Ring that was the location of our Lost Planet and Puzzle Fighter II tournaments.
VG Ultimate Battle skit from Comic Con 2007 Masquerade. We gave this group the Best Video Game Costume Award. If you look at the photo collection, you can see a picture of all the loot they won!
An Okami themed skit called Amaterasu Where Are You? We also considered this skit for the Best Video Game Costume prize, and I personally consider it the runner up.—–