How to train your Felyne in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Jul 17, 2014 // Yuri Araujo
Ah… Felynes, they’re so cute and goofy… and with proper training , they’re so useful and deadly! Here are some simple tips for training your Felyne in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite :
First of all, choose your Felyne very carefully. You don’t want to end up with a Felyne that doesn’t attack… or maybe you do; so make sure to check their Attack Preference listing for that. And to go with that, keep in mind their Attack Type (could be Slash, which can cut tails, or Strike, which can KO monsters) as well as their Temperament.
After you hire your trusty companion, you’re going to want to select one of 6 Active Training Exercises from the Felyne board. These will take effect while your Felyne is not questing, so they’re great for ( online ) multiplayer sections!
Hand to Hand simulates actual battle, so your Felyne will get more experience points, speeding up the leveling process. Pretty useful for unlocking skills that require a certain level.
Dumbbells are a great arm workout; stronger arms mean they punch harder! In other words, the Felyne gains more attack power the more you have it in this routine.
Sit-ups will give your cat a much needed 6-pack, so it can look great on a beach date withstand more enemy attacks! Good defense is important. It’s no use having a super strong Felyne that faints after 1 hit, is it?
BTW, I’ve made more GIFs here!
Forms is probably the way to go if you want a mix of both attack AND defense. The stats increase rather slowly though, so please be patient. =)
Meditation is a very important training routine since it gives your Felyne more precious Comrade points than usual, which you can gather up and exchange for valuable hunting skills, such as Bomb Strength Up, Health Flute, Demon Flute, etc.
And then, there’s Rest , which is just giving your Felyne a bit of a break… and they loooooooove a good break. So you have them rest, and they’ll love you, and that affects gameplay.
You see the stat labeled Fondness ? Your Felyne will build that up faster if you have it resting, and there are certain skills that you’ll only unluck at 4 hearts! So yeah, love is a key ingredient in Monster Hunter . The more you know.
But hey, if you want more in-depth info and a complete list of skills and options, I definitely recommend this page on the Monster Hunter Wikia . They have everything !
PS: How are you training your Felyne? I’m having mine focus on Attack right now.