Here’s What’s Been Going on Over at Tape It or Die
Sep 14, 2010 // jgonzo
One of the biggest things that happened over at Tape It or Die recently was the reveal of a certain …person that Johnny Pipes ran into in Fortune City. But that’s not all that’s been going on. As the survivors have learned, staying alive in Fortune City after a zombie outbreak is not exactly a simple thing to do. Thankfully, Chuck Greene has arrived on the scene and he’s started to kick ass and take names.
Hit the jump to see a summary of the blog activity over at Tape it or Die!
Wallace: In one of his blog posts, Wallace outlines and details the creation of the combo scratch card system and shows some examples of some amazing combo weapons. Proving how useful he is at giving info, he also talks about magazines and their benefits.
Gretchen reveals the location of the four blogging survivors in one of her posts, extends the invitation to hide to all other survivors…and then refuses to allow some geeks in.
Left Hand Lance comes across some interesting characters in Fortune City.
Weapon of the week: We got two awesome entries with the THOR weapon, created by VileMethod
the serv and protect bot by CaptainCortez:
the CHUCK-RAM by stackopancakes
and, we got the winner of the first Weapon of the Week , made into a real life weapon:
It’s super effective!