Here come two new challengers: Blanka and Chun-Li Felyne Palicoes for MH4U
Dec 13, 2014 // Yuri Araujo
Straight from the biggest Capcom fighting game event of the year, Capcom Cup , we take a little break for a special Monster Hunter announcement:
Equip your Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Felyne Palicoes with classic Blanka and Chun-Li fighting attires from Street Fighter II. Okay, the MH team had to take a few liberties with the designs, so you’ll notice subtle cat paw print designs here and there… and Blanka’s weapon is a fish! Yeah, they went a little wild on that one. =P
If you didn’t see the video on the live stream (first of all, tune in to Capcom Cup already !), you can watch it here:
And here’s a Guild Card background in the style of a VS. loading screen… just try not to get distracted by the hunters that were made to look like Dhalsim and Guile; they’re not a special bonus or anything, but show how versatile the character creation system can be. 😉
Alright, now back to Capcom Cup !
But if you want more Monster Hunter content, check out some of the other special collaborations ( Mega Man , Mario , Sonic , Animal Crossing , Link , Samus , Taiko Drum Master , Tetsuya Nomura ) or this nice little walkthrough of one of the quests in the game . And remember to pre-order the Collector’s Edition before it runs out (almost there, btw)!