Here are six different ways Vergil sheathes his sword
Jan 16, 2015 // GregaMan
With DmC: Definitive Edition coming to the new generation of consoles in under two months and today being the original DmC’s second birthday, I’ve had the game on my mind pretty much non-stop. I even recorded a podcast about it!
During one of our extensive capturing sessions for DmC: DE, we were marveling at how many different ways Vergil sheathes his Yamato blade, depending on what move he last performed. By my count, there are six different sheathing animations. This may not be news, but it’s an incredible little touch of artistry that I think well reflects the love and care that went into creating this game and its characters. If that’s not worth highlighting on the game’s birthday, I don’t know what is. Now behold!
↑ Behind the back. That takes a lotta class.
↑ In with a flourish.
↑ In front of the face.
↑ In front of the face, with attitude.
↑ In midair!
↑ Slide out, slide in.