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Help Us Maximize the Awesome

Aug 22, 2009 // s-kill

Do you have Capcom stories?  Send them to us! 

We were talking earlier today about how hand out Unity points as a “thank you” to members who send us tips that end up on the front page. Then we had the genius idea that–hey–maybe we should tell people that we’re doing that! 90 seconds of photoshop later, and behold, we’re telling the world. 

All you have to do is send a PM (click the big “mail” icon) to Shawn , Joveth , or Seth with a link to your story/blog/factoid/amusing animated gif, and if we post it to the front page, we’ll say “thanks!” with a fat sack of Unity points .

Okay, there is no sack, but there will be plenty of points for your trouble, so if you see something good, send it in!  We’ll make it worth your while. 

PS- what are all these points good for?  Check here for the lowdown on how you turn the points into very real, very free, and very awesome Capcom swag .  The kind you can see here , here , and especially here .