GOTD: CAC Week – All-in-One Pack and Vulgus Arcade Stick

May 30, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

Another day in CAC Week and another chance to win an All-in-One Pack and an exclusive Arcade Stick! This time, featuring artwork from Vulgus! Tickets cost 1500 Unity points and are waiting for you right here . Good luck!

There’s more to this celebratory week of CAC and you can find out all about it after the jump.

Capcom Arcade Cabinet Week

–  Yashichi Scavenger Hunt! A great way to get one of these arcade sticks if you don’t have all that many Unity points. Plus, you get an awesome-looking badge and 600 Unity points!

POLL: Which Capcom Retro box art is the best? have a say at which CAC game retro box art will be Capcom Unity’s Facebook and Twitter profile pictures!

–  Ultra Rad 1980’s Capcom Arcade Commercials – because babies have everything to do with shmups!

And most important of all, you won’t want to miss our… 

CAC SLUMBER PARTY!!!  – more sticks, more game codes, more goofiness, more awesome!