Get Street Fighter IV On iPhone For Only Seven Bucks
Apr 27, 2010 // Mike Larson
To celebrate the launch of the undisputedly awesome Super Street Fighter IV on console we’ve lowered the price on Street Fighter 4 iPhone for three days only. Yep… you can get highly acclaimed top-selling iPhone game for only $6.99 (30% off)!
That’s a lot of Street Fighter on the cheap.
But wait, there’s more! In the comments below, tell us which Street Fighter character you’d like to see as future DLC for the iPhone game. On Thursday, I’ll pick five people at random to win copies of the iPhone game.
That’s it.
Click here for more info on the game and to download.
Thanks everyone who participated in our contest. I’ve reached out to our five winners, so if you haven’t heard from me and still want the game might I suggest you download it before it goes back to full price.