Get ready for Dawn of X with this new Archie Comics interview
Apr 01, 2014 // Minish Capcom
After three years of top-notch comic bookery, the Archie Mega Man series is about to set its sights on the (far) future with “Dawn of X.” This storyline, as you likely guessed by now, will delve into the X world and its darker themes.
Comicosity recently posted an interview with MM writer Ian Flynn and editor Paul Kaminski, so hop on over and get caught up before issue #37 arrives this summer!
MSG: The world of Mega Man X is now split between humans and reploids, robots that think and feel like humans, unlike where Mega Man is fairly unique. How do you feel that development defines the course of society in the future, and is that in fact key to its dystopian nature?
IF: We live in an age of technological wonders. Modern telecommunications alone are staggering when you consider our grandparents needed operators to physically make connections for land-lines, and today we have lag-free, real-time video conferencing from any point in the world to another.
Now imagine if that kind of technology were to spring up, literally overnight, during World War II. Imagine how completely different things would’ve turned out if either side had gotten its hands on email, or instant global telecommunications.
That’s basically what we’re looking at in X’s time. In a matter of months, humanity was forced to coexist with a new race of beings. We’re currently wondering if we’ll ever achieve true artificial intelligence, and the people of 21XX wake up one day to find it a fact. There’s been no time to adapt, no time to accept this new reality. And with such suddenness, there’s going to be friction.