Get Oiled Up and Ready for Super Street Fighter IV’s Final Character Reveal
Mar 10, 2010 // jgonzo
At last night’s exclusive Fight Club in San Francisco, we finally officially revealed Hakan as the final new character in Super Street Fighter IV! We have brand new art, trailer, gameplay video, and screenshots for you all to enjoy after the break!
A newcomer to the Street Fighter universe, Hakan is an oil wrestler hailing from Turkey. Using lubricant to assist in battle, Hakan has some of the most insane moves and Ultra combos in the series.
The follow up to one of Metacritic’s highest-rated games of 2009, Super Street Fighter IV will hit the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on April 27 with 10 new characters, new Ultra combos, new stages, the return of bonus rounds, beefed-up online modes (including the free Tournament Mode DLC after launch) all for a budget price of $39.99.