Get extra rewards all summer long on ResidentEvil.net
Jun 27, 2013 // GregaMan
Resident Evil 6 fans have another reason to visit stat-tracking event site ResidentEvil.net , where they’re offering special rewards all summer long for taking part in our online events. The “Agent Support Mission” campaign will carry out all summer long, offering hundreds of users special Xbox Avatars and tens of thousands of RE Points for taking part in the summer’s online events. The first such event, ” Neutralize the Threat 2,” kicks off on 6/28 and will reward the Top 900 players with a bonus 20,000 RE Points on PS3/PC, or the “Leon Asia Costume” and “Resident Evil 6 Gamer Icons” pack on Xbox 360, all on top of their base prize. That’s a veritable T-Rex-Simmonsload of rewards. So scoot on over there !