Get caught up with Remember Me – handy resource blog
Jun 04, 2013 // Minish Capcom
As you’re likely aware, Dontnod’s memory ’em up launches tomorrow! We’ll have a launch day stream then ( over here on Twitch ), but for now, get caught up on the world and the gameplay with a few of these handy links…
This interactive timeline lets you explore from 1984 to 2084 (the game’s setting), experiencing videos, music and other pieces of lore that further tie the world together. At first pass it seems like a typical MULTIMEDIA BONANZA but it’s actually quite cool, especially if you like diving into game fiction.
Like any story-driven game, there’s plenty of backstory to absorb. Remember Me doles this out via mnesist pickups (aka journal entries) that, like the timeline above, give further context to the world of 2084. Since the game focuses on Nilin quite a bit, these pickups are the best way to see Dontnod’s vision of the future.
Released just last week, this vid mixes gameplay and live-action shots to set the tone of Nilin’s journey.
In between scampering up walls and remixing memories, you’ll engage in quite a bit of combat. Check this vid – from creative director Jean-Maxime – for a deeper look at the game’s Pressens and how they allow for combo customization.
And if you wanna look at a whole mess o’ purty pictures, this gorgeous hardcover book archives tons of art and notes from the game. If you need further convincing, this is the same publisher that brought over Hyrule Historia … 🙂
So yeah! Lots to consider before the game releases in just a few hours. Hope y’all enjoy, and see you tomorrow for the stream – 3pm Pacific! Until then, why not hit up the Remember Me forums ?
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