Get a free PS3 Theme with your DuckTales: Remastered pre-order
Aug 07, 2013 // Chris
And for one more week PlayStation Plus subscribers can get 20% off!
Hey there, DuckFans! We been getting a couple of questions regarding DuckTales: Remastered in the PlayStation Store , so I went ahead and made a little video to clear everything up. WATCH:
-Pre-order the DuckTales: Remastered in the PlayStation Store (The game comes out on August 13th)
-PlayStation Plus subscribers get 20% off DuckTales: Remastered
-You get a FREE DuckTales: Remastered Theme for your troubles. Take a look at mine (above.) Pretty snazzy, huh?
-Lastly… HOW ‘BOUT THAT NEW THEME SONG ?! (more on that tomorrow)
So if you’re gonna grab the game on PS3 anyway, why not grab it at a discount with a FREE PS3 theme?! Click here to get yours post haste.
DuckTales: Remastered launches on PS3, Steam and the Wii U eShop starting on August 13th (September 11th on Xbox Live.) As always, you can find a veritable duck ton of DuckTales: Remastered info, news, screenshots, and videos right here .