“Game with the Developers” Street Fighter HD Remix-Style!

Dec 11, 2008 // s-kill

Got Street Fighter HD Remix on Xbox 360?  If not, you better get it like now, so you can get in on the “Game with the Developers” action tonight on Xbox Live. 

Take a look at the gamertags listed below, add us as friends (if you can–spots are filling fast!), and we’ll be accepting invitations to play from 7:30-10:30pm PST. There are a few noobs and some frighteningly good players in that mix, so it’s a good range for players of all skill levels:

clothhand, SFHD Prod, Hiero 9D3, Kramez Live, Capcom Derek, BBEDev01, BBEDev02, BBEDev03, BBEDev04, BBEDev05

You can check it out yourself on the New Xbox Experience by going to the “Events” tab–we’re the top event.