Game of the Day raffle: Street Fighter X Tekken
Feb 12, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Day two is a go! Today toss your Unity Points into the ring for a PS3 copy of Street Fighter X Tekken, which, after a quick update, magically becomes Version 2013!
In case you needed a refresher on Unity Points, check out this article for more . As a reminder, earn points by:
-Joining game groups (on that bar along the top of the screen)
-Posting in the forums
-Sending us news tips for fan art, remixes and other Capcom community goings on
-Plus other ways we’ll roll out all year!
Just log in, visit your dashboard and you’ll see the daily raffle in the right column. Head to the Prize Catalog and you’re on your way! New raffle every weekday this year!