Game of the Day raffle: Capcom Arcade Ultimate Raffle – SonSon Stick
May 27, 2013 // GregaMan
Today you’ll notice the daily raffle is a little heftier, a little more alluring, a little more. . . raffular. . . than your typical Beatdown: Streets of Vengeance or Capcom Unity oven mitt giveaway. This is in honor of the recently-released Capcom Arcade Cabinet All-in-One Pack, which gives you the entire load of seventeen arcade games previously released (Xbox LIVE, PSN) in waves over the course of this spring, all at a discounted price.
Every day this week we’ll be giving away a download code for the All-in-One Pack, along with a very limited edition CAC-branded arcade stick, featuring slick art from each of the games. Today’s stick features the delightful but determined visage of classic arcade icon SonSon. The winner will get to choose his or her console of preference (Xbox 360/PS3).
Raffle tickets have been upped to 1500 Unity Points each for this hefty prize. Get yours here .
Look for lots more fun-filled CAC activity throughout the week!!