Game Grumps playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate!
Oct 30, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
A Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate show with an awesome intro and hilarious commentary by the Game Grumps ? Sign me uuuuuup!!
Seriously, I haven’t had this much fun watching an MH video in a while, so you should check them out right now. I’ve embedded both Episode 01 and 02 below, but keep an eye on their channel for more as they go live.
Hey! Did you watch them, or just scroll down after you saw the monster names? I know, I know… Qurupeco and Barroth are beginner’s game, but there’s a point to all of this: it’s showing a progression, just like your early days or MH3U, so it’s great for people that are new to the series but the commentary also make it hilarious for everyone!
Anyways, there’s too much text on this blog post already. Go enjoy the videos. =)