From Masher to Master – understand Street Fighter with this helpful book

Jul 07, 2014 // Minish Capcom

As we head into EVO weekend, odds are many of us are brushing up on our fighting skills and wondering, “hey what if I really sat down and tried to learn this stuff?”

Could this be the year you really hunker down and  learn about SF, and fighting games in general? Improve your game and try to understand why  certain moves and matchups work they way they do? SRK has posted a great (and free!) digital book by Patrick Miller that aims to make that process as easy as possible.

Head here for the book and to SRK for the author’s thoughts on why he made the book  and  why it’s so important to him. tl;dr version – fighting games are great, learn them, bring fresh players into the mix and make things even  more  exciting.