FREEDOM PREVAILS: A Capcom Tribute to Captain America
Apr 04, 2014 // Chris
When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yiiiiiiield …
It would certainly seem The Walt Disney Company has me buy the short and curlies these days, and once again, it’s leaking over into Unity. I mean, at least DuckTales: Remastered provided a somewhat legitimately reason for gushing about Mouse-related properties, but what I did with Monster Hunter and the new Muppets movie teeters upon the line being inexcusable. So thank goodness for the release of Captain America: Winter Soldier, as it puts crossover nerdom into much more justifiable Unity territory!
We’re all excited about Marvel’s new film after all, so why not concoct a soaring tribute to one of their most enduring heroes with the wonderful representation he’s enjoyed via Capcom throughout the last two decades?! Here’s to you, Cap!