Frank West becomes a Street Fighter in Capcom Heroes
Oct 18, 2017 // Jeffery Simspon
I’ve already written about how a love of Capcom’s most iconic characters has always been at the heart of the Dead Rising franchise and few characters are as iconic as Capcom as those from Street Fighter . Which is why it’s only natural that our second group of Capcom Heroes, coming to Dead Rising 4 on December 5th, are from that legendary fighting series.
Along with our previously announced characters (and more on the way!) Dead Rising ‘s Frank West will be able to take on the look and abilities of Street Fighter legends Akuma, Cammy, M. Bison, Ryu and Mecha-Zangief!
For a look at these costumes and abilities in action watch our latest trailer for Dead Rising 4 ‘s Capcom Heroes below.
Capcom Heroes will be a free update to Dead Rising 4 , availble December 5th. Dead Rising 4 is also coming to the PlayStation 4 the same day in Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package which includes Capcom Heroes and all of the previously released content for Dead Rising 4 .