Five good reasons to try out Monster Hunter
Nov 05, 2012 // Yuri Araujo
Last week GamingUnion posted a great little article containing five pretty good reasons for you to finally try out Monster Hunter – if you haven’t done so already . They actually put it all in a very easy and relatable format, drawing comparisons to other known modern games and everyday topics, such as Tyrannosauri .
Click here for the full article; but here’s my favorite section, under #2 Diverse Elements :
Speaking of weapons, there are over ten weapon types to choose from. They range from swords to hammers, to lances to guns. Each has an advantage if used properly. Armor sets have what are called skill points that add buffs your character. If your skill points reach a total of 10, the skill is in effect. Reach 15 or 20 points and the skill increase to a second or third degree. That Diablos whose scream stuns your hunter will no longer be effective with the earplugs skill allowing you to either dodge the enraged beast or lay a few critical hits.
Look, they even enlightened me to a new way of reading into weapon descriptions. I never really thought of piecing those descriptions to form a “Hidden Story”, but it’s a pretty neat idea, don’t you think?
Need more reasons? Or have reasons of your own that weren’t covered? Well then, our Monster Hunter Forums are the perfect place for such discussions. =)