First 4 Figures Amaterasu statue up for pre-order
Jan 07, 2016 // Kellen Haney
“Ah… Amaterasu. Origin of all that is good and mother to us all.”
There’s lots of care taken with the story and folklore present in Okami ! Just as much care went into this incredible statue of Amaterasu, sculpted by Kim Bangcola, one of the experts at First 4 Figures. Pre-orders are open now at a list price of $384.99 (USD), so if you’re interested, head over to the store page and lock yours in! More info on Amaterasu, Okami , and the statue itself after the jump!
Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun, has descended from the astral plane and taken on the form of Shiranui – the legendary white wolf – in order to combat evil in Okami . Quickly armed (pawed?) with the Celestial Brush – capable of restoring nature and balance – she soon joins forces with the traveling artist Issun, and the two begin a truly epic adventure across the land of Nippon to put an end to the machinations of the embodiment of evil, Orochi.
From the elemental markings on her fur to the flowers under her feet, this statue truly captures Amaterasu in all her glory. Standing on the plains of Nippon, Amaterasu is poised to howl, replete with little details that help this statue shine like the sun goddess in all her glory.
Speaking of shining like the sun (goddess), the exclusive edition offered by First 4 Figures adds LED lighting to the Solar Reflector, adding a warm glow that lights not only Amaterasu herself, but also little Issun, Amaterasu’s traveling partner, who’s perched on top of the disc itself. Everything comes together to create a dazzling sight that’s worthy of being the centerpiece of any collection.
At 1/4 scale, Amaterasu stands at 12 inches tall from the top of the Solar Reflector to the base, and 17 1/2 inches long, too, making this a formidable statue in its own right. It may not dispel evil like the legendary white wolf, but this powerful statue is sure to dispel bad moods and banish particularly dark nights. What’re you waiting for? Go check it out !