Final Fight: Double Impact – Trailer 4 of 6: Trash – CONTEST 5 – TAPES
Apr 15, 2010 // Mr2nique
Another day, another reason to love Mike Haggar. Check out trailer #4. Personally #6 is my favorite, and #5, so there is more goodies to come.
FINAL FIGHT: DOUBLE IMPACT is NOW available on PlayStation®Network(and Xbox Live®) Get onto to getting on!
Contest #4: Win your very own REMIXED SOUNDTRACK Pro Audio Cassette SIGNED BY ALVIN LEE HIMSELF (Comes with downloads of digital files of the soundtrack too). I have rocked this in my Legend on numerous occasion, and they are fully Haggar Approved.
How to WIN?: Email finalfightcolor@capcom.com with a picture of YOU playing Final Fight: Double Impact in an interesting way (no nudity). Contest Ends MONDAY APRIL 19. (It has to be the real game, not just the demo, if played on XBLA, entrants must show give their Gamertag to prove they purchased the game, no demo cheaters 🙂 Include PROOF of your Unity Screen Name in the photo.