Final Fight: Double Impact – An Interview With Associate Producer Robby Zinchak
Dec 10, 2009 // jgonzo
Final Fight: Double Impact ‘s associate producer Robby Zinchak was interviewed by website 2d-x.com recently, and in the interview, Robby talks about the new things you can look forward to in April’s XBLA and PSN release of the game.
The core games themselves are the same – we’ve not tampered with them. However, we have added a lot to keep you playing: we’ve built out a system called the Vault, which basically challenges you to perform various feats, and then rewards you with all sorts of goodies: original concept art, professional Udon artwork, a Final Fight animation, and even artwork created by fans.
We’ve also added HD filters so you can optionally play the game in beautiful high definition. There’s some really cool optional effects as well: the game can be embedded inside an arcade monitor bezel, complete with CRT-style scanlines and phosphor burn. Multiple options for the HD Filters are provided and it can all be toggled to your preference (even to disable everything and play ‘pure’).
You can read more by heading over here .