Final Fight Color of Conflict Contest – Finalists – Please Vote
Feb 05, 2010 // Mr2nique
Just one month ago , we challenged fan and budding artist to lay down their knife and sword and lend their coloring hand to the new Final Fight: Double Impact main art. The response was nothing short of incredible . I would like to say thank you to everyone who submitted entries. As you may have seen from our WALL , it was no easy task to choose the top five from an incredible selection of over 120 fantastic pieces of work. In the next weeks, stay peeled for highlights from the many amazing entrants.
After much deliberation from Alvin Lee and a whole team of Capcom employees, I am proud to announce the Five Finalists for your review. To review the pieces in high quality, head over to the Final Fight Website and make your vote. (You must be logged into Unity as a member to vote).
On top of the massive barrel of prizes for the artist, the winning piece will live on as the digital box art and marketing art for the title, so choose wisely and let us know in the comments section why you made your selection.
Voting ENDS Monday Feb 8, 8am PST! So hurry up!
(Post in your comments which piece you chose and why…and please join me in congratulating Ander Zarate, Chad Walker, Emilio Lopez,Richard Wilson, & Seth Jones. They are the best around and nothing is ever going to keep them down. )
Final Fight: Double Impact, a double strike of arcade perfection, hitting XLBA and PSN April 2010.