Fight Night t-shirts at $10 off
Sep 25, 2010 // DJay
After last week’s bloated blog post , I’ll try to keep this one short.
Anyone who hasn’t heard about the Capcom Store exclusive Dead Rising 2: High Stakes Edition , must have just come back from summering in space. To those people I say “welcome back”. Now’s your chance to own a custom piece of Capcom history. Aside from getting the critically acclaimed Dead Rising 2, you also get a custom Fortune City poker set, a custom map of Fortune City featuring ads from local establishments and a ticket for the in-game Terror Is Reality XVII event with a DLC code for the Psycho costume and skills set. Get yours now.
For those of you who don’t want all the extra goodness, pick up just the game in the Capcom Store and I’ll throw in a deck of the custom Fortune City playing cards free!
The other piece of news is the latest Deal Of The Week . This week I’m featuring the very popular Fight Night t-shirts at $10 off their original price. Supplies on the more popular colors are going fast and I won’t be restocking these. This is a great deal on a really cool tee.
Now, go order your Dead Rising 2: High Stakes Edition . One lucky person is going to discover the golden ticket and become the proud owner of 6’ tall, portly Burt the Zombie!