Fate/Unlimited Codes: Unlimited Codes Caption Contest!
Sep 24, 2009 // jgonzo
No, you read that right! Today we are announcing our brand new contest: the Fate/Unlimited Codes- Unlimited Codes Caption Contest! How does it work? Well, we have this screenshot from the PSP fighter that we want YOU to caption! But take your time and put your best lulhat on because the prizes are serious business.
First place will not only net you a code for the full Fate/Unlimited Codes game on the PSP (a $30 value), but you’ll also get a signed (by DJ Qbert) Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 vinyl record, and game codes (xbla or psn) for 5 Capcom games (see list below).
Three runner-ups will receive a download code for Fate/Unlimited Codes + 1 code for a Capcom game.
The game codes that we will be giving away will be for: 1942, Mega Man 9, Flock!, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, and Bionic Commando Rearmed.
The picture to caption can be found after the break! Be sure to leave your entry as a comment on this blog post! We’ll select the winners next week.
PS. Keep it PG-13 kids!