Fate/Unlimited Codes is out TODAY

Sep 03, 2009 // s-kill

Servants?  Masters?  A weapons-based Capcom fighter?  The Holy Grail?!  Yep, it’s Fate Unlimited/Codes, which is out today for your PSP.  Where is it, you ask?  Exclusively at the PSP PlayStation Store. 

In honor of the release, we’ve got a smorgasbord of Fate goodness, including new screens, a pretty gallery of movelists, and of course the brutal combo video above. They all feature Assassin, Caster (my favorite), Luviagelita, and the hated Zero Lancer. 

Character Art Gallery



If you’re new to this whole “Fate” thing, hit the jump for more background than you can shake a stick at (well… a lot of background anyway)

The Fate universe’s wikipedia page , more videos, and the giant Fate relationship/inter-connectedness chart of all power !

And just in case, here are a few more overview details: 

Based on the hit Japanese manga and anime series, Fate/unlimited codes takes place in Japan, where seven pairs of magical combatants compete for the ‘Holy Grail’ that will grant them any wish. 

This compelling combat experience for the PSP system features a deep roster of characters and unique fighting moves, while employing a fast-paced, weapons-based fighting system that is sure to meet any Capcom fans highest expectations.

The original arcade version has been updated for the PSP system, with move inputs optimized for the PSP’s d-pad. 

For those feeling confident enough to take on human competition, Fate/unlimited codes supports local network play on the PSP system, allowing two players to duke it out wirelessly. Additionally, the game has dozens of unlockable secrets, including alternate costumes, missions and mini-games. Fate/unlimited codes has been developed by Cavia in association with Eighting, the development team that brought you Tatsunoko vs. Capcom’  and Bloody Roar.