Fans Make the Best Fan Art
Feb 24, 2012 // GregaMan
(Today’s fan art offering was brought to us by the talented Cody “Moon Wolf” Foster. You can check out more of his work over at deviantART .)
Oh man, so get this: The other day, Chris from Customer Support comes up to me with an envelope and a stack of parchment in his hands.
“Check it out, Gregalegga. We got some rad fan art from a rad Okami fan [paraphrased for length and entertainment value].”
“Whoa,” I said, flipping through a series a beautiful, faithfully-illustrated glamor pics of Ammy and Chibi-Ammy. “Rad is right, man.”
There was even a homemade mask amongst the splendor .
. . . Hee hee, I tried it on.
Many thanks for the great work, Cody! Keep it up!