Fan love brings Raccoon City back to life
Jul 26, 2013 // Minish Capcom
We all know the sad fate of Raccoon City – destroyed by a missile strike in order to contain the massive zombie outbreak. But like the monsters that caused its demise, the city refuses to truly die, being reborn and revisited again and again. This time around, RE fan cinnabon7354 has brought it back to life via Minecraft, and has a pretty nifty walkthrough of its progress.
Very cool! Reminds me of Doom WADs I made in high school… though in original Doom you couldn’t look up and down, fly or even overlap sectors (unless you trick the system with some clever fake-outs…).
A while back I also posted these Mega Man images :
Love it. If you have some Capcom related MC projects in the works, send ’em on over and we’ll toss them up on the blog!