Fan driven Street Fighter art tribute well underway, official tribute still accepting submissions
May 01, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Itching to share your Street Fighter love for the series’ 25th anniversary? You can contribute artwork to not one, but TWO worthy celebrations that are collecting the best fan art from around the globe. First up, the folks over at Game Art HQ are putting the finishing touches on their robust art-thology that spans the entire franchise. Head over to their page for more info.
These are just three of the many, many submissions over at Game Art HQ – check ’em out or create your own!
Second, our official tribute project continues through this weekend, ending on May 7. You can submit art here and music here , and if you like, you can totally submit the same art to both projects. We have plans for the content offered to the official project, though we’re still finalizing the details… rest assured you’ll see that art again 🙂