Fan art highlights one of MH4U’s core features
Dec 09, 2014 // Yuri Araujo
Want to know one of the best feelings in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ? Launching that devastating jump attack!
Here’s a piece of fan art by ya-tsura that gets that feeling just right.
MH4 fan art pieces have been circulating in Japan for a while now, and since the Mosnter Hunter 4G / 4 Ultimate announcement, we’ve started seeing some of our western fans producing some content here. For some reason, though, I haven’t posted much of it on the blog… what am I doing with my life, right?
Anyways, with MH4U coming up early 2015 (soon!) you can expect to see more MH4U fan art pop up in the blog. BTW, if you have 4U fan art already, send them my way. =)