Fan Art for Jan
Jan 30, 2009 // Snow
The monthly fan art contest is back with some absolutely amazing art. There were tons of submissions to go through! Seth and I had a hard time picking just one, so we ended up choosing three. Above is the work of Chris H . Check out his gallery here for more . Since we couldn’t pick just one, check out some other winners after the more button!
Not all fan art is drawing or painting. Anything that’s creative we accept. We even had a sweet video submission this month. But above is a perfect example of being creative with our brand with all but a camera to take a picture. The work above by Odnas grabbed our attention as witty, awesome, and just good for a smile. He has a ton of other cleverly taken photos with Mega Man in his gallery, so check it out .
The final winner for this week is Bill with his set of great art of Street Fighter. Above is one of many of his works, but stop by his gallery to see the rest.
Start submitting your stuff for February to me in a PM now.