Enter the Surprisingly Awesome Bionic Commando T-S

Mar 26, 2008 // s-kill

Created by Capcom artist Shinkiro, the exploding head “Pop Goes the Dictator” t-shirt pays homage to the most famous moment in the original Bionic Commando: beating “Master-D” and thrilling to one of the most shockingly gruesome and unexpected displays of 8-bit gore in gaming history.

Any fan of the original NES Bionic Commando wants this shirt, but the Grinches over at Bionic Commando HQ aren’t just giving them away. Instead, they have issued a challenge to the hardcore fans in the form of a contest:

Only a few weeks left to enter the limited edition Bionic Commando t-shirt competition! Recreate the legendary exploding head scene, using whatever real-life methods you choose, or your favorite generic photo editing software. Buy a jumbo bottle of tomato ketchup and a large collection of fireworks, use your favourite photo imaging software to recreate the real thing, or take your airgun collection to the watermelon section of the local supermarket – just recreate that scene. You‒ve got about two weeks to get those entries in to us, or you‒ll never have another chance again, because Master-D is taking these shirts to his grave…

This white version of the shirt is modeled by the finely-sculpted Colin, although the picture is of course ruined by Frank, who physically cannot walk past a camera without throwing up the horns, trying to flash you, or giving someone the bunny ears. Contest details are HERE , and you can submit your entry HERE .