Enter a New Challenger: Abel, the newest Street Fi
Feb 14, 2008 // Kramez
Gaze upon the rippling majesty that is Abel, a brand-new member of the Street Fighter IV family! Abel will be having his worldwide coming-out soiree this weekend at the AOU Show in Japan, which is sorta like the arcade version of Tokyo Game Show. Abel joins the original 8 World Warriors, as well as new bespectacled female fighter C. Viper. That brings the current known SFIV roster to 10 – how many characters do you think will end up being in the game? Isn‒t the anticipation killing you? Seth and I already know the whole SFIV Who’s Who, but we’ve taken a vow to torture you for the next few months. More after the jump, including nice big screen shots! From the character profile update from the development team: “Abel: A Man With No Past. With no memory of his past, this young man has no choice but to move forward, using any clue he can get his hands on to rout out what may be left of Shadowloo. His fighting style represents a mix of multiple martial arts. Though he appears gruff and unfriendly on the surface, he is not the misanthrope he seems to be. His serious and polite nature is easy to misinterpret as indifferent, but these still waters run deep indeed.” Shadowloo, eh? Sounds mysterious!