Embrace the Dark Relic Character Design
Mar 27, 2013 // ComboFiend
A while ago, we held a contest to create a new Darkstalker character. Much to our delight we had a quite the number of entrants to go through, with us landing on the winning character Relic . Although the initial artist’s original conception was crude, we all saw the potential in the character. As promised, Stan Lau made an “official” looking version of the character, which I do say does the character justice.
You can find some developmental artwork below starting with the original artist’s concept of the character, followed by Stan’s initial concept, his modification of the character and ultimately one of the most awesome characters I’ve seen in a while.
Original Concept for Relic
Stan Lau’s Original Concept for Relic
Updated Concept for Relic with Color
(notice how Relic’s bag was changed from a treasure chest containing all the loot from graves he’s robbed to Pandora’s Box)
Final Rendition for Relic
There’s also a rather lengthy video where Stanley Lau allows us to see his skills at work. You can watch that below.
Man, how I wish I could play this character! Anyhow, I’d like say thanks to all those who entered our initial Embrace the Dark contest and once again let’s hear it for our winner Jerrel Walker.