Elder Dragons enter Monster Hunter: World, Free Update details and final Beta revealed
Jan 06, 2018 // Yuri Araujo
Happy New Year, hunters! 2018 is here and Monster Hunter: World is less than 3 weeks away, but today we debuted even more details to fuel the hype train leading up to the PS4 and Xbox One launch on January 26.
As you can see in the trailer above, the New World is filled with a vast roster of unique monsters for you to hunt and craft gear from. Today we’ve revealed a new monster called Dodogama, a crystal-eating wyvern that can coat its favorite snack with a unique saliva that turns them into explosive projectiles, as well as returning fan-favorites from a calamitous category of monsters: the Elder Dragons!
Enter the Elder Dragons
The main plot of Monster Hunter: World centers around uncovering the mysterious migration patterns of Elder Dragons, dubbed the Elder Crossing, and has you chasing the trails of the colossal Zorah Magdaros. But the New World is also home to some of the fiercest and most formidable elders of the Monster Hunter universe:
Kushala Daora, the steel dragon, will bring the harshest storms and strongest winds you’ll ever encounter to the fight.
Teostra, the flame king dragon, will burn anyone who dares approach him using his hellish flames.
As a huge fan of both of these majestic beings, I am ecstatic to go toe-to-toe against them in the New World.
Final Beta
And if all this talk about Elder Dragons got you itching for a challenge, then get ready to face off against our newest flagship monster Nergigante in the final Monster Hunter: World PS4 Beta, starting on January 18 at 6pm PST and going until January 21 at 5:59pm PST. This last Beta will be available for preload on January 17, but no need to download anything new if you’ve kept your download from either of the first two Betas; this one will update with the new quest automatically when you log in.
Free Post-Launch Updates: Deviljho
As we approach the release of Monster Hunter: World on January 26, we want to emphasize that it’s only the beginning. You’ll enter a new world completely filled with new adventures, but our development team is already hard at work at expanding that experience even further with free regular content updates, as well as free major title updates. Coming up this Spring is the first major title update featuring everyone’s favorite raging pickle brute wyvern: Deviljho!
Hold on to your butts!