EGM Lost, EGM[i] Found – Featuring the Lost Street Fighter IV Issue
Feb 19, 2010 // jgonzo
When publication ceased on EGM back in January of last year, it left a single issue in limbo that featured Street Fighter IV on the cover. Now that EGM is returning very soon, they’ve gone and redone this lost issue in a brand new digital format. From their blog:
We’re taking a slightly different approach with an open screen platform that requires neither the downloading of applications or the use of “readers” to deliver an immersive digital magazine experience. EGM[i], using a new interactive technology called ScreenPaper, provides many built-in features (including animations, video, and audio) as well as coupons, DLC opportunities, and a host of commerce capabilities that can be easily updated and changed.
For those of you interested in how EGM[i] is changing the way magazines will be experienced, check out this very brief sneak peek at our rendition of the infamous Lost Issue cover created with ScreenPaper technology. The links on this cover page aren’t live yet – but they will be long before summer arrives.
We here at Capcom are VERY excited about EGM’s return and can’t wait to see their first issue when they get back!