Easter Tidings: Save 50% on DuckTales: Remastered
Apr 10, 2014 // Chris
Up to 50% off the best dang cartoon you’ve ever played in the Wii U eShop and Uplay. Yesterday we told you about a ginormous Capcom game sale on Xbox Live , and today Nintendo and PC fans are getting a little love with a nice discount on DuckTales: Remastered . From now until Thursday, April 17th you can pick up Scrooge’s triumphant return to consoles for $7.49 in the Wii U eShop and for $10 flat on Uplay . Beautiful… And just so PlayStation fans don’t feel left out at this point, we should remind you that you have two FREE games waiting for you on PS Plus: Remember Me for PS3 and Street Fighter X Tekken for Vita . Does that about cover everyone? Has everybody found a relevant Capcom sale? I hear Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is 50% off on Uplay in EMEA territories…